
HELAC-Onia - Standard Model particles

Standard Model particles

The identity numbers and symbols of the Standard Model "elementary" particles in HELAC-Onia:

Particle Particle symbol
νe, e-, u, d, νμ, μ-, c, s, ντ, τ-, t, b ve, e-, u, d, vm, m-, c, s, vt, tt-, t, b
ν̅e, e+, u̅, d̅, ν̅μ, μ+, c̅, s̅, ν̅τ, τ+, t̅, b̅ ve~, e+, u~, d~, vm~, m+, c~, s~, vt~, tt+, t~, b~
γ, Z, W+, W-, g a, z, w+, w-, g
H, χ, Φ+, Φ- h, g0, g+, g-

This e-infrastructure is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824093.